It is Time to Claim Who YOU Are Now!

Aloha Beloved friends,

It really feels to me as if we are at this cross roads right now! Although at the time I received the message, a week ago, I doubted its clarity and truth and wasn’t sure I would even send it out! But today I feel, it is time to claim our Mastery, but their is a part of me that is scared stiff that I am perhaps kidding myself and questioning am I really ready and advanced enough for this? In fact I have found myself questioning everything in my life and really wanting to get to the divine truth in all matters! I know I want to be ready now and to step into my Divine Feminine power, love and light but at the same time I am afraid to claim my divine heritage!

In spite of all my own personal doubts about my ability to step into this role fully, I herewith commit to letting go of all that no longer serves my spiritual growth and to be the courageous divine feminine being that I Am and step more into who I truly am to the very highest and best of my human ability, with lots of help from my Higher Self, Beloved Mighty I Am Presence and all my beloved Guides and Angels. So Be It!

I ask that if this feels right to you that you also commit, whether male or female. Let us all step into our divine heritage and claim our Mastery here on the Earth now! Together we are Victorious!

Blessings filled with so much love to you all for a truly Masterful week!

Aloha Sue

August 22, 2015


Beloved ones, we greet you this day and salute you from a place of unconditional love, and honor your individual processes at this time. We know there is much a- foot upon your planet, and at times it is not always easy to stay centered and focused upon the good and that which you desire. There have been times such as these in the past, but none as powerful and energy packed as these days that are here now.


Extreme fluxes of divine light and energy are entering your planet on a daily basis and it is, to say the least, not always easy to accommodate this intense light and energy into your physical vehicles. Trust in the innate wisdom of your soul. Allow your soul and body elementals to guide you and let you know what is needed in this moment for you. Is it rest, play or simply being quiet and drawing in these energies to anchor them beneath your feet and to the core of the Earth? Follow your feelings, follow your intuition and you will be doing exactly what is most called for in every now moment. You may not feel like having a party, you may feel like being extremely quiet and inward and resting in the space of your precious abode. Do not mitigate yourself or judge yourself for not feeling like having a ball. There is a time and place for everything, and this time is surely for deep and profound integration of Light and energy. The more you rest and allow, the more light and energy you will be able to take in and integrate into your body and consciousness.


This can at times seem like hard work, although on the outside it appears you are doing nothing! You are in fact moving mountains within your cellular structure and assisting the whole to be able to integrate this Light more easily. With every single person that is willing to go within and listen to their physical vehicle everyone on the planet is helped, for we are all One. So when one integrates it assists the whole.


There is no separation, although at the present time this concept is still foreign to most of you because, although you may speak about and know the concept mentally, you may not have had the actual experience of Oneness. When you do, and you will, you will truly know that there is and never has been any form of separation – only a separation from yourself and who you truly are. The quicker you can grasp the truth of this, the easier you will be able to take on board the responsibilities that come with mastery. Mastery has already been achieved. it is just your human consciousness that needs to catch up to where you have arrived. Part of you is still in the old paradigm, not believing you are worthy or fully enlightened. When you begin to trust that you are and that just walking the Earth and living your truth is part of your Mastery. You do not have to perform great miracles to be the Master that you are. Claim your Mastery from within, be willing to allow it to show itself to you with each passing day and you will begin to live the art of Mastery on a daily basis in your everyday lives without any effort at all. First you need to believe it and claim it and then automatically you will begin living from this place of Mastery within yourself, instead of from the fear-based ego that is still trying to hold you imprisoned in its grasp of old.


You knew when you agreed to come at this time that one day you would have to step out of the very comfortable box you have been hiding in, and would have to step outside these confines and the security of being anonymous and show your true self, show your light. You have all been masquerading for so long you have forgotten who you truly are. It is time to take off the costumes you have been wearing and bare your authentic soul to the world and share your wisdom and Light. Let nothing hold you back from sharing your love. Be love at all times, especially towards yourself which has, to say the least, always been your most difficult task.


Beloved ones it is time to claim your Mastery and live from your soul self. Accept this challenge and step outside of the comfortable box you have been hiding in and begin to really live your divine purpose and be the Love and the Light that you are. We love you, we adore you, we appreciate you and we welcome you all to the celebration that awaits you as you decide to claim your Mastery and step up to the challenge of living life as a Master upon the Earth.


Blessings beloveds, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Trust and allow us to guide you into your new found freedom.



Copyright © 2015 The Island of Light, All rights reserved.

Ashtar: You Are Multi-Dimensional Beings of Love!


Ashtar On The Road Teleconference

August 25, 2015


“Greetings, Beloved Family!  We are so excited!!! After all, we’ve been at this for a few years in your time – really, for billions of years.  This is the most exciting era in the history/herstory of Planet Earth!  And we’re right here with you every step, every nanosecond in your time, of the way.


“And speaking of that, we know, we know things are moving so fast in your energy fields.  You are literally being bombarded with wondrous high energies, energies of empowerment!  And they all come from Love!!!  Sometimes they can be a bit overwhelming.  They can be a bit exhausting, if you will, or you may be experiencing some of what are loosely referred to as ‘symptoms.’  And take this as evidence, true evidence to yourselves, that you indeed are in the midst of your Ascension preparations!  For your physical bodies have resonated at – let’s just say, third dimensional levels for eons of time – and this is true for all of Humanity – most all of Humanity, I shall say.


There have been some exceptions in every case.  Every era has had its exceptions of people who were perhaps unknown to you, or perhaps they have had a bit of fame attached to their names.  They were leaders on the Ascension Path.  After all, even in the darkest of times, Humanity had hope.  Hope was given by those who came knowing – or who found along the path of their own lives – the Truth.  And the Truth is very simple – WE’RE ALL DIVINE!!!


“You are living in the density of the human body, which makes that Truth somewhat difficult to believe, and we understand that.  We are encouraging you to empower your belief systems so that when you look in the mirror, you really see the God or the Goddess looking back at you.  That’s how we see you!  That’s Who You Really Are!!!  And when you can do that, then you understand that you have the ability to make these shifts, these changes, these transitions flow with ease and grace rather than feeling as though you are about to take off – you don’t know where, you don’t feel grounded, you’re just not sure what’s going on, and so on, and so on and so on.


“We understand that this is often the case.  So a very good way to assist yourselves is to look in the mirror and to connect with your own Divinities.  Now you might think, ‘But what’s that got to do with grounding?’  Well, it’s grounding you in the Truth!  It’s grounding you in the Higher Levels where you are.  It’s connecting you with that part of you that you may not always feel in touch with.  Then you can bring yourselves into the knowing that you are truly Multi-Dimensional Beings already!!!  And if you have chosen the Ascension Path which – let’s see, it seems that ALL of you have – then you are on track!  And then after that you can have your cup of tea or go out and commune with Mother Gaia or do whatever you would do to calm whatever feelings of displacement, or not being grounded you have in your physicalities.  But it is always wise to address these matters from the Multi-Dimensional perspective and not just from the physical.


“Now this does not mean – I must say a disclaimer. You know, the women* get a little distressed, just a tiny bit distressed, if I do not do a disclaimer which says that, if you are having some kind of what you call symptoms along the way that you cannot understand or do not feel at ease with – they may not be comfortable, or if by not feeling at ease you don’t feel grounded, you don’t feel like it’s a Joy-full thing to have happening – then by all means, go and see the practitioner with the letters after his or her name, because we would never discourage you from finding out what is going on in any part of you. 


We are simply saying that in many cases, whatever is concerning you in your physicalities can be addressed by simply remembering, acknowledging and knowing that you are Multi-Dimensional and that you have the empowerment, should you choose to use it, to address these matters from the Higher Levels!!!  When you do that, you get a lot of relief!  You get a less concerned attitude about what is going on, and then you can make your choices on what to do for the physical part of you from there.  We are, as I have said, excited and ecstatic!!!  These kinds of things are soon to be behind you, by the way! 


“Now the Arcturians are very much a presence.  Some of you are already communing with them.  Some of you are simply knowing that they are present in some manner or other, and for those of you who are not aware, they have many, many functions.  They are responsible for activating, for instance, the crystalline grid, along with others – the Kryon Group is one – and they are also very much responsible for bringing forth the energies, and all that that means, including some physical energies of Lemuria.


“Why Lemuria? Well, it is because Lemuria began as a pure, pristine, high vibrational, High Dimensional Consciousness civilization.  And it was when the consciousness was lowered, by the consent of all present upon the Earth in order to experience the lower dimensions, that things fell apart.  But it took centuries for that to happen.  And the best of Lemurian, shall we say, knowledge of Truth either sank with it or went to Atlantis, and Atlantis began with a high vibrational legacy.  And then, of course, you know what happened there.


“So, by returning to the Lemurian Lifestyle – and what am I talking about anyway?  Well, I’m talking about the knowing, the empowerment, the connections, communications and Communion with the entirety of all the LoveLight Beings in the Universe and with all of the Humanity of Planet Earth that is rising into Higher Dimensional Lifestyle and, of course, the other members, the other Kingdoms of Mother Gaia!!!


“So the Arcturians have a huge role to play. They have technologies that will be, ahh, they might seem to be what you might call AMAZING!  They have replicators, they have healing technologies, they have rejuvenation technologies.  Now make no mistake – other civilizations throughout the Galaxy have these also to some extent.  But the place where the science has been studied, researched and taught, or you might say, the quantum physics of all of this, has been at the great University on Arcturus. And it is AMAZING!!!  It is miles and miles – what you would call miles and miles of crystalline structures and people have come to study with the Arcturians.


“And what the Arcturians have in this University, and what they teach, is not just science!  You can think about your MIT, for instance, that might be considered to be the foremost science hub on the eastern part of the United States of America and, of course, on the west coast you might think of Stanford University. And there are universities in Canada and all over the World that have a focus on science. But what the Arcturians know is that you cannot separate science and spirit. And so at the University of Arcturus all science is taught from the High Dimensional, Spiritual Perspective, which puts the Divinity of all Life into the picture! And so it is, what you might call, more complete!!!


“Now, this is not to say that there are not plenty of scientists who understand the connectedness, and this is not to say that there are not plenty of what you might call spiritual leaders who do not understand the connectedness, because there are on Planet Earth!!!  But what is amazing, or perhaps seeming to be amazing, is that you, Beloved Ones, are waking up!  And YOU are recognizing this absolute, Divine Connection between the two. And it is by utilizing the spirituality along with the science that you will be moving into and enjoying the Higher Dimensional Lifestyles!!!  That’s what your bodies know right now!


“This grand energy that is coming in is all about Love.  It’s literally pouring the Love into each and every one of you!  Some of you are more receptive; some of you just want to tune out, ‘Not just now! I need to get a little bit more sleep, thank you very much!’  Well, that’s not going to be real possible, especially as we approach the end of next month upon your calendars.


“So, give yourselves ease and grace, comfort in knowing that you are Divine and that you’re here for this purpose and that there is nothing going on on Planet Earth that you cannot en-Joy!  Take some time out, play some games, laugh, dance, sing!  Give yourselves plenty of rest and KNOW that you are awakening Gods and Goddesses coming out of the untruthful, fear-based illusionary dream, and moving into your reality – and that science and spirit together will offer you everything and anything that you can possibly think to create from Love, out of Love and express in loving thoughts, words and actions!!!


“I can think of a grand example, and you have heard his name mentioned tonight,** and that is Dr. Keshe or ‘Keshee’ as you might want to call him.  Some call him one, some call him the other.  Makes no difference – you all know who I’m talking about!Now he is a scientist – well, you know he is from someplace else. But he is a scientist who is TOTALLY filled with the spirit of Love. And he is creating from that High Dimensional Perspective! And look at what he has given already and what he promises to do!!!


“And there are many others who are coming out of the woodwork, as they say.  Yes, there have been some who have sacrificed their physical bodies in order to bring forth this Truth, this great Truth.  But it is all understood by these Masters, by these wondrous beings in such service.  And more and more are stepping up to join them!


“So give them your loving support, Beloved Ones, because they are here for YOU, just as we are!  And you, in turn, and this entire Family of Ashtar On The Road, is here to be in service to all of Planet Earth as it makes its Ascension!  And as Earth goes, so goes the Solar System and others in the Universe who also want to move up and out of the third dimension and into the reality that is their birthright!!!


“So, how do you do this?  You wake up, you stay awake and you share your Love!!!  It’s that simple.  And if you would add to that, simply follow the Golden Rule given by Yeshua. This is Sananda’s rule with the part that was not given at the time, which is to treat others the way you would treat yourselves, AND to treat yourselves as well as you treat others.  And when we say ‘treat’ let us just say ‘LOVE.’  Love all others as you yourselves would be loved. And love yourselves as you love all others!!!


“And that, Beloved Ones, is the key to how to master the roadway of this Grand Journey that you’re all on.  And we’re right here with you!  Call upon us, connect with us, enter into Communion with us and let’s get this done, because it is happening!  Be a part of it!  Because that is how we see you – Masters, Divine Gods and Goddesses and, most of all, Beings of Love – only Love and its Light, which is the most powerful energy in the Universe.  Thank you for being here with us in this Grand Gathering!  And so it is.  Salut!”

*  Susan and Fran

** Dr Keshe

Transcription by Marta.

Given through Susan Leland, August 25, 2015.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2015. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Exposing the Frequency War Part 1: Your Etheric Body Takes the Hit by Mother God



Today we’re going to open a brand new topic.  We will be working under the guidance of Mother God, enlisting our Arcturian Medical Team Leaders, Ashtar and the Galactic Security Teams and Archangel Michael and the Angelic Teams.  Together, we will explain the cabal-generated frequencies that are affecting everyone on Earth in ways no one has yet fully understood.  We will help you to protect yourselves, and we will begin an ongoing program to teach you how to repair and heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shields that have been damaged by life on Earth.


Before we begin, I ask you to build your shining Pillar of Light.  Light up the diamond in your brain, your heart and your solar plexus (your will), anchor into the crystal heart of Mother Terra, and extend upward to connect with Mother and Father God.  They are pouring their HoneyLove down through your Pillar to nourish, sustain and heal you in every moment.  You only need to do your part by envisioning it, taking part in building and enjoying it, along with your Higher Self, your Twin Flame and anyone else of the Company of Heaven you wish to call upon for support and Love.


As we tell this story and join with you to design and implement healing strategies which will take us to higher levels of knowledge and understanding, we will be joined in turn by Team Leader, Ashtar, Michael or Mother, depending on the area of expertise we are addressing.  All have been working together to present this complex information in the clearest and most helpful way possible. This is how much they love us and want to lift us up, to ride through these last days of the old Matrix with joy and grace.


Mother will begin by explaining what our etheric shields are, why they are so important to our protection, and how they have been damaged by Earthly activities.


Mother God:


Dearest Children, you are now in transition between the old Earth and the New Golden Age.  You are building the Rainbow Bridge that connects you to 5th dimensional Earth day by day.  Understanding the damage to your own shields will help you see where your own troubles originate, and how healing them will change your experience of life.


Please remember as I tell you these things to stay inside your Pillar where you are safe and sound.  We are teaching you about these damaging techniques only so that you can defeat them and heal, not to upset or frighten you.  If you succumb to anxiety, defeat or awe, you will be turning yourself over, giving power to the crumbling Matrix and its rag-tag former leaders rather than dismantling it.  Stay with me in Light and Love and we will walk out of this together.  Please refer to this paragraph after every section you read.  It will help to remind you – this train is bound for Glory!


Here is a picture that will help you understand how your shields were created as part of your original human design.  Your natural state is to be completely surrounded and protected by these etheric shields which exist around your body, insulating you within a protective barrier that preserves your integrity as a conscious being – a beloved Child of God.


The Physical Shield

Your physical shield protects you from outside interference, especially when you are sick or injured.  It also provides a direct conduit to your healing teams of Light to access your body and to bring etheric medical interventions, with your permission.  This precious shield can be damaged by ongoing, chronic illnesses and by many of the cabal interventions, like toxins in your food, water and air.  Most pharmaceutical drugs, like vaccines, psychiatric drugs and antibiotics carry molecules that act like time-bombs to shred and destroy your physical shields.  The same is true of the engineered parasites and nano particles that have rained down on you and have been relentlessly sprayed on your food.


All these toxic substances are designed to weaken your physical shields, making you more vulnerable to the frequencies that are designed to control you.  You have called it “mind control” but it is much more pervasive than just taking over your mind, as you will see.


The Emotional Shield

Your emotional shield acts like a buffer, to help you heal and restore yourself after a painful emotional blow, a loss of one you love, or a difficult separation.  The dark ones who invaded this planet long ago “upped the ante” by introducing betrayal, deceit and cold-blooded emotional manipulation.  As the eons passed, they developed diabolical techniques like traumatic sexual abuse that would damage both physical and emotional bodies simultaneously.


Torture techniques are designed to tear apart all the etheric bodies, not just the physical body – the more the better, from the dark point of view.  They have taken pride in their successes with various forms of torture.  (Dick Cheney has given a number of interviews and speeches proudly detailing the effectiveness and good use of various torture tactics.  This is an example of the sheer arrogance and smugness of the cabal.  They no longer fear exposure, because so many humans have been so damaged as to either agree with or ignore the horrific implications of such revelations.)


Damage occurs to the emotional body when you experience a severe emotional attack from another, especially someone you have trusted and loved, or when you submit yourself to a continuing abusive relationship.  Indulging in rage, conflict or argument, even when you are right and think you are defending yourself, causes damage to your emotional body.  This is the reason so many soldiers have come home suffering from “battle fatigue” or the more recent description, “Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.”  They are really suffering from damage to their etheric bodies.


You do damage to your own emotional body when you indulge in feelings of superiority or inferiority.  Either one is a way of co-opting the position of God to judge yourself and others.  It is not your province to judge or to condemn, not even yourself.  This is a misunderstanding of who we are and how we see you, thus a violent attack against your own innate emotional shield.


The Mental Shield

The mental body really encompasses all the others; no one of the etheric bodies is actually separate from the others, any more than a body can exist separate from its brain, but for our purposes here, I will emphasize the elements of the mental body as it pertains to damage and distortion from Earthly experience.  Let us emphasize here that your innate etheric bodies are designed to keep you in balance and to help you remain in Light and Truth.  Damage to the mental body opens the self to being susceptible to lies, propaganda and robotic manipulation – a relinquishing of one’s Free Will.


You are all familiar with the uses of television advertising to sell products, but this is not their primary intention.  The constant barrage of images of impossibly beautiful bodies and impossibly “successful” people is designed to tear apart the protective mental body.  Intact, it would combine spiritual and emotional feelings about God’s acceptance and love to forma self-image based in secure self-respect and esteem.  Loving encounters on the Earth plane would build an ever more impermeable barrier to any manipulation or lies.  Instead, you are under constant attack on every level, to engender feelings of worthlessness, self-doubt, fear and alienation.


Organized religions, especially those that promote violence, separation and hatred in the name of God, do damage to your mental body by force-feeding ideas that place a wedge between you person and your intuition, your common sense and your innate respect and love for other beings of Light, including other species. We have never condoned such divisive behavior, nor did we send Jesus or any other prophet to promote these dark ideas.


You cause damage to your mental body when you believe a lie.  It tears at your fabric, because all of you were originally designed to detect untruth and to turn away from it.  Unfortunately, the introduction of what we have called the “Sleeper Cell” which humankind agreed to long ago, compromised your ability to see/feel/know Truth about us, about life, and about each other.  It is one of the reasons you have found it so difficult to see the Light in those around you who are here to assist you in this Ascension process, and to distinguish them from the false prophets.


A glaring present example of damage to the collective mental shield is the hatred for President Obama, in spite of his obviously gentle kindness and steady Light.  He came here to hold off chaos in a world completely controlled by the dark cabal, yet even Lightworkers blame him for not having forged ahead alone to defeat the cabal.  Of course, had he followed his heart’s desire and done that, he would not have lived to give a single inspiring speech or to guide the behind-the-scenes revolution he has steadfastly nurtured.


Together with other undercover Lightworkers, he has brought the U.S. to the moment of releasing the RV, NESARA and all the other revolutionary changes that will fuel the New Golden Age.  Only now can we publicly give credit to the beloved Sirian Commander who risked all to hold the Light against the most vicious, ruthless and bloodthirsty opposition ever known on any planet.  He has remained under our protection and guidance as he carried out the most difficult challenge of all – to remain balanced, calm and unruffled while under constant attack.  He is here to show you what it looks like to be intact.  This is the most valuable lesson a leading Lightworker can offer in this time of transition.


The Spiritual Shield

The spiritual body is, of course, the enveloping energy that forms a conduit to all of us in Higher Dimensions.  Coming to Earth behind a Veil of Forgetfulness not only meant that you did not remember former lives or your experience with us, it also meant you did not have conscious awareness of the absolute integrity of our connection to you.  The golden thread to your loving Mother and Father God that cannot be broken is inherent in your humanness, whether you realize it or not.  We are with you, loving you without end, and your Higher Self and your Twin Flame remain as your conduit to us throughout your life on Earth, no matter what your experiences might be.


It matters not if you fell deeply into the dark or whether you carry our Light as your life’s work, our connection to you remains inviolate.  You who were born with souls made from Mother and Father God carry the three-fold flame of Life, no matter how many lifetimes you have lived or what damage you may have experienced to your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies.  You are our beloved children, and you can heal any and all damage, no matter how severe and painful it might have been, no matter how discouraged or alone you might feel.


We invite you to join with us in this new healing adventure, exploring deeply and moving joyfully with us into the New Age.  Humankind and all the other conscious beings on Earth will heal along with you as you take this journey with us – a journey that has never been attempted before.  You, Beloved Ones, as you heal the traumatic wounds of lifetimes on Earth, are leading the way for all the collective to rise up, throw off the chains of slavery that have bound all of you in ways you have not yet fully understood, and to dance triumphantly across the Rainbow Bridge you have already built by connecting with us.


I am delighted to introduce and oversee this exciting series of articles that will offer advanced training to Lightworkers who will carry the Light of the New Golden Age whoever they are, wherever they go.  You, Children of My Heart, are truly the hope for beloved Terra.  She weeps with joy seeing your willingness and excitement to overcome all that has come before.  We will show you the connections between the frequencies bombarding you this week and the previous damage you have endured.  Our brilliant team and I will also teach you how to completely restore your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integrity.


Be daring, Dear Ones.  As Sananda says, “Leap!” and we will be here to catch you.


I am your Mother God, loving you without end.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


In our next Edition:  Ashtar will explain what the annoying frequencies you are hearing are intended to do to humankind and how they are generated.  Team Leader will give pointers on how to become immune to their effects and how to heal from lifelong intrusion into your etheric bodies by dark forces.


Coming soon:  Kathryn will describe her plunge into the frequencies, as Sananda shielded her, and what she learned.  Christine will reveal how she has healed from physical attack and the resultant severe disease by using her spiritual strength to heal her physical body.

The Divine Nature of the Plant Kingdom – Expanded Metatron/ Tyberonn 2015

Past Lives & Present Relationships Written by John Van Auken

This life is so present, so all-encompassing that it is difficult to consider past lives and their relevance in our lives today. But from Edgar Cayce’s perspective we are actually living the sum of our incarnations. Our circumstances and relationships today are deeply affected by our past, our soul’s past.


Therefore, with this in mind, let’s explore the forces at work from past lives and karma.


His reading numbered 5753-1 is one of his key discourses on reincarnation. He opens

this reading by stating that each soul comes into existence by the force of motivation, a

first cause brings it live and drives it to seek its destiny.


Here is what he said is our souls’ destiny: “The first cause was that the created would be the companion for the Creator.” Our Creator, God, our heavenly Father/Mother, conceived us all to become its eternal, immortal companions. And Cayce stated that our life or lives are opportunities for our soul to “show itself to be not only worthy of, but companionable to, the Creator.”


And since we are talking about the Creator of the entire universe and all that is in it, we don’t want to become dull companions. We are to be up and growing, learning, and experiencing life!


We’ve been given the gift of free will to use as we see fit in the pursuit of our companionability. Of course not all of us will become the same because individualness is what makes the Garden or the Heavens interesting. Each of us was conceived with our own special light, perspective, and vibration.


Cayce stated in this same reading that “every form of life that man sees in a material world is an essence or manifestation of the Creator; not the Creator, but a manifestation of a first cause-and in its own sphere, its own consciousness of its activity in that plane or sphere.” He said that our soul “in this material world passes through the attributes that the consciousness finds coinciding with the law that would govern an entrance into a manifestation.”


This means that what we will be, are, and have been experiencing are the essences, the manifestations, the attributes of the forces influenced by the law of destiny as well as the law of karma.


Here’s more on this:


“A soul, the offspring of a Creator, entering into a consciousness that became a manifestation in any plane or sphere of activity- given that free-will for its use of those abilities, qualities, conditions in its experience-demonstrates, manifests, shows forth, that it reflects in its activity towards that first cause.” Our perspective on our destiny is revealed by how we use our free will, by the choices we make.


He adds, “even in a material world, all forces, all activities, are a manifestation” of the initial motivation for our existence and how we have been doing in addressing that initial motivation is seen in our choices, in our use of free will-whether we are alive here on earth or dead to this world and living in other dimensions. Think of your passed-on loved ones-they, their souls, are still active and motivated by their destiny of companionship with their Creator.


Cayce explained that there is no death “because an atom, a matter, a form, is changed does not mean that the essence, the source or the spirit of it has changed; only in its form of manifestation, and NOT in its relation with the First Cause.”


Our deepest longing, deep in our souls is this according to Cayce: “As the entity moves from sphere to sphere, it seeks its way to the home, to the face of the Creator, the Father, the first cause.” (EC 136-8)


Now being three dimensional beings we immediately think that this can only occur somewhere beyond this world, but that’s not true! All life is one life. All space is one space. We can experience this right here, right now. Our hOMe is within our consciousness, just a shift in awareness and we are hOMe with our heavenly Father / Mother, with the infinite mind of our Creator. And the sounding of the famous chant OM (aauummm) awakens this within us.




Karma is the law designed to help us become aware of the effects of our use of free will in thought, speech, and action. Karma is a tool for learning and growing, not a punishment. Of the many life readings given by Cayce, 18 people were told that this incarnation may be their last. There was no longer any compelling karmic pull necessitating another incarnation.


My friends and I knew some of these 18 people, and they were not perfect. In fact, they had many human weaknesses. Their freedom from the wheel of karma and reincarnation must have occurred in their hearts and minds, because there is no outward reason to release them from the cycle of incarnations.


“It is not all for a soul to have knowledge concerning law [but it is more] what does the entity DO ABOUT the knowledge that is gained! The power that comes with making the will one WITH the law of love, of karma, of cause and effect, of every influence [are] one WITH Creation!” (342-2) √

Directing the Light Within You for Your Joy

Divine One,

Light is you and light is flowing into you and this light within you is capable of anything, anything. It is true potential, it is malleable, flexible. It can be given any instructions via your consciousness and completely, effortlessly, perfectly fulfill them. In fact, it does.

This is why it’s so important to expand your capacity to imagine and to choose to expand your ability to envision yourself having the experiences you wish to have. To expand your ability to sequence thoughts together to create new patterns of experience. As you do all of these things — upgrading and refining your consciousness to more supportively, generously richly reflect your desires – the light within you, that takes form and creates experiences and stays the same.

The light within you doesn’t need to change.

Yet your outcomes will begin to change. This is the result of being in a different state of consciousness and teaching your consciousness so to speak. Feeding your consciousness would be more accurate, planting within your consciousness new more empowering beliefs. Really, ultimately, you are learning to think in positive unlimited ways.

In the individual sessions Meredith is doing we’re helping you to discover your limiting beliefs and refrain them and revise them. Create new ideas you’re willing to embrace as beliefs and then get them established. You can do this yourself. It will generate powerful results in your life. The way to do this is to consider anything in your life that continually feels like a struggle and decide to sit down and sort it out.

Look at the ideas you have about it, be willing to release those and then be willing to imagine and create new beliefs that support what you wish to feel and experience. Then practice thinking them, generate from them. Return to them like a mantra, get them familiarly established as reference points in your mind and then watch the world reformat around you to reflect your new beliefs.

You are here in the most exciting of times for human beings. Human beings are sorting out all kinds of more clear and accurate realizations about the way things work and about the nature of consciousness. About the interconnectedness of life and the capacity you have through positive unlimited thoughts to become masterful in living here.

Learning to reshape your consciousness to become increasingly positive and flexible, and unlimited, is a pathway to merging with your Divine Self. The light within you, that flexible, powerful, capable intelligence comes to you as a flow from your Divine Self and to open up that flow to greater capacity is to accelerate your life.

You have within you the tools and the know-how to do this. It is simply a matter of loving yourself enough to take the time to do this.

We suggest each day you spend time investing in your own abilities to think in neutral and unlimited ways, and to think in ways and learn to believe things that will support you and your desires. To see your consciousness with thoughts and beliefs that will support the identity in your life you wish to experience.

You can change the way you experience yourself in this life by changing the beliefs and ideas you hold about who you are. Learn how to change your thoughts, learn how to put more powerful, uplifted, aligned thoughts into your mind and think them often enough that they feel solid and real to you — like beliefs.

There is then is nothing to fear, underneath all fear what is there? Fear is the feeling generated from those thoughts, the same with worry. Name the thought, look for them, sort them out. Then take a clear look at them and ask yourself are these thought real? Is this really likely to occur? If it did occur could I handle it? In essence, stare down the thoughts that are generating the fear.

Diminish their power by looking at them and calling forth your Divine Self to help you reshape your beliefs and ideas. You can do this in ways such that the climate of your consciousness actually becomes in hospitable to the thoughts that create the feelings of fear. These thoughts cannot exist in an active stimulated way in a consciousness which feels unlimited and capable of generating in the material. They will become aberrant and disconnected from their triggers and in fact, you won’t think them anymore. They’ll still be present in your consciousness, you don’t need to clear them out, but you can deactivate them. You can deactivate them, you can create new sequences. You can create new ways of allowing yourself to experience your life.

You are living that with more capacity than you’ve ever had before. Even if you do not yet have more money, you have more capacity for wealth and you are feeling better about money and when you feel better about money, life will change.

You are opening up to new ideas of what is possible for you and as you persist in these ways of focusing and thinking and if you persist in ways that will help you to feel better and better about money, money will come to you. There is no way for it not too. For as you begin to feel differently so then you are transforming your vibrations. Law of Attraction is reliable. We want to close this focus fest by turning our attention to ideas about work and how you relate to the ways in which you currently receive money.

Many of you currently make money doing things you do not like, this is an equation you’ve established in your mind. “I make money doing things I don’t like”.

Is this an empowering belief? Of course not. We want to invite you to reshape your ideas about work even if you do not yet change your work. We want to invite you today to think about the ways you currently receive money in life and to see if the ways you’re receiving money are linked to empowering beliefs about you and the way you want to experience the world or not.

For some of you your current work is supporting you as you discover your life’s work. For some of you your current work feels like a giant distraction from your life’s work. For some of you your current work is the work that is most compatible with your family life in terms of scheduling – so it let’s you me with your children more when they are home and awake. It could be empowering that.

Some of you have passionate interests that you’d like to be spending more time with. Some of you have spiritual things you love to do. Why not make this your work?

Many spiritual beings find it hard to charge money for what they love. Unfortunately that becomes an equation you are directing the light within you with as well. “I can’t make money doing what I love”.

The light within you is taking orders. Is this the kind of direction you wish to give your experience?

You can change this very simply by beginning to charge money for what you love. It doesn’t have to be much but it can be amazingly powerful to stop giving away what you love and to start changing this paradigm by charging money for your interests or your passion, or for what you love. Even if you charge a small amount you are changing the game and later you can change the pricing so it serves you better.

You can choose something small even that you feel comfortable with to begin but in doing all of this you are telling the light within you as consciousness, “I make money from my interests and from what I love”. Is this not a wonderful message to use to shape your life experience?

There are so many amazing ways now to create an income based on your interests and what you love. In you world the internet has made a great deal possible for those of you wanting to shape your work uniquely. Whether you’re going to sell your work online or sell it where you live, we encourage you to create your work such that it’s a custom fit around who you are, what your interests are, and what you love.

There are many people alive now who are doing this, who are doing work that fits them perfectly because they decided to learn how to charge for their interests and to shape their passions into a way of making money.

The most amazing part of this is they get to spend much of their time now with their interests, doing what they love.

If you do something else for work that you don’t enjoy and you have deep and passionate interests you often feel you don’t have enough time for your interests. When you love yourself you begin to see this. You begin to be less willing to do this. You might begin to see that you might make more time for your interests by learning how to charge money for them and to make them your career. Your work.

The way to spend more time with your interests is not wish you did need not have money. It’s not to want money to disappear. It’s not to wish you didn’t have to make a living. It’s to make friends with money.

We encourage you to make friends with money and to participate in your world in a financial way based on how you want to spend your time and what you want to experience in terms of financial abundance. You can do this. You can totally do this.

You simply need to take the time to develop the ways of thinking and asking. To create self-talk and behavior that supports your desires. To support your desires is to care for your own life with loving attention and this too is a message to the conscious light within you. A message that says, “I richly support myself and my desires”. Isn’t that a lovely idea to create as well as establish as a belief within you? Indeed.

Today dear friends we’d like you to think about your interests.

We’d like you to think about your work or the way you currently receive money.

We’d like you to consider if there might not be a different arrangements of these components in your life that would allow you to nurture your experience to spend more time with the things you’re interested in and that you love doing and being.

Please consider the ways in which you receive money now as potentially something you might shift so that you might experience more happiness, more capacity for abundance, and the ability to customize your life more perfectly to fit who you really are.

You don’t have to change anything yet but let yourself freely consider all of this and look deeply at it.

There is tremendous importance in you being happy and fulfilled and work is a contributor to this or it’s something that diminishes your sense of satisfaction.

It’s important that you consider work – an aspect of life which typically takes up a tremendous amount of your time – as something which can be completely fulfilling and enjoyable.

Today we invite you to open up that conversation with yourself in new way by realizing your capacity is changing. You’re learning new things, and your ability to create your mindset to support the changes you might decide to make, is far expanded from what it’s ever been before.

I AM Archangel Michael

Imagine by Sananda



We are so excited here, and I want to tell you absolutely everything I can about all we are doing, and everything we see you accomplishing! Together, we are changing the world, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. You can feel the anticipation, can’t you? Let’s compare notes. I’ll tell you some highlights of what we see, and you can look deeply into yourself to see where you feel what I am describing.

As you know, things are turbulent in the financial systems. You are hearing about the huge drops in the stock markets of the world. Most Lightworkers are not big investors, but it is an indicator of something huge going on in the world, is it not?  Now, if you were a large investor, you might be wringing your hands wondering if you should sell everything before it all plunges into nothingness, poverty and want.


But of course, we are Lightworkers, so we think in terms of transformation and balance. When someone sells out their holdings, they sell to someone who is buying.  In fair markets where real goods are traded rather than pretend money, everyone in the end is going to end up holding something they really wanted.

All markets are energetic exchanges. Where real transactions occur, people encounter one another.  In the recent past, transactions in the world markets were rigged to funnel great wealth, in the form of pretend money, to a few powerful families, but this system is now crumbling.  Until we reach a time when money is no longer needed, it will serve as a tool to fascilitate energetic exchanges with one another. We will move on eventually to a world where Love is the energy that is felt in every transaction. Where Light prevails, no other currency is needed.


Real prosperity depends on generosity and trust, not a contrived, manipulated exchange system. This latest “catastrophe” in the stock markets offers one more opportunity for Lightworkers to see the great potential to be realized. The coming prosperity programs were created in the spirit of generosity and good will, not clever manipulation or greed or even “wealth management.”  Those days are coming to an end, and I say, “good riddance.”  In the bright Light of Mother and Father’s incoming blasts of Love energy, shrewdness, cunning and hoarding are no longer virtues.


I encourage you, Beloved Ones, to see all the turbulence around you as the beginning of a wonderful new leveling of the playing field. Remember that money is just a medium of exchange, not a “thing” in itself. Those who exchange fairly, with the intention of bringing prosperity for all will be the ones to rise to the top, like the cream in the proverbial milk jar. You, my dear and loving friends, will not be left out when the waves of prosperity and abundance wash ashore. Such is the the great plan of the Company of Heaven.


It may surprise you to know that the introduction of Communism on Earth was an opportunity for humanity to experience the kind of compassionate distribution of resources and generous mentoring we thrive on here in higher dimensions. Unfortunately, it was co-opted by the cabal in an attempt to prove that human beings are incapable of generosity.

Communism was brought to the planet as an economic strategy: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” It was initially to be a reflection of the way we operate in higher dimensions, but Earth was not ready for such generosity, and so it was sabotaged completely by the sadistic and selfish cabal, who wished to control rather than allow all to prosper. Thus, communism (and socialism by association) became a symbol for tyranny instead of a gateway to freedom. When you place the original tenet in the context of a world where prosperity and abundance are a given, the principle of ‘each according to his/her need’ regains its original meaning, and the real needs of humanity can be met. This is what is unfolding now.


Once everyone has everything they need economically – a comfortable place to live, enough to eat, education for all, easy transportation and communication among friends and colleagues, then, only then can we begin to minister to the spiritual and emotional human needs that have been so neglected for eons. It really means that everyone will be given 1,000% of what they need – and what all really need is to fulfill their hungering for connection with each other and with God.


What feeds a soul? Love. What brings peace of mind? Love, and the deep knowing that peace will prevail in all the villages and countries around the world.


Your friends of the Company of Heaven see the stream of Light, the timeline you are riding now into your bright future, as the path to enlightenment for all, an end to greed and want, and an end to the suffering for which Planet Earth has become so famous. The Prosperity Packages (and we verify that there are many) are being released gradually to insure that the funds will be protected for the use they were intended – the Greater Good of All. You have felt the high frequency of it coming, the wave ahead of the great ship that will carry all of us higher, into new feelings, new awareness and new experiences of Love and closeness with our fellow humans.


I say “us” because we of the Company of Heaven have walked with you here on Planet Earth throughout the years of struggle and darkness. I, Sananda, along with my Twin Flame, came to you as Jesus and Mary Magdalene and as many other recent incarnations. We are here among you now. Some of us are here as primary incarnations, some are represented by our Twin Flames, but we will all be returning soon via “Landings” to be together and to be with you in person. We only await the end of the empire of darkness, the system you have called the Matrix, and the engineered violence it spawns. We do not wish to endanger our family and friends by arriving here with great fanfare, only to incite the assassinations we have endured so many times before.


This time is destined to be different. We will truly come in peace, for these are the energies you feel enveloping you now on our beautiful Terra. Everywhere there are groups of people uniting to bring greater awareness, wider consciousness to their daily activities. Examples can be seen in every aspect of life.  Every group that forms to eliminate plastic bottles that degrade into poisons killing off ocean life, everyone who brings solace to an elderly person, anyone who feeds those who are hungry, every group that defends a dying species, everyone who speaks out against social and political injustice, everyone who joyfully teaches a child to read, and every friend who listens with Love to one who is awakening slowly is bringing Light.


You may have thought in the past that your own inner work would only benefit you toward your own Ascension, but your individual advances have had a tremendous impact on the collective. All the work you have done to clear away old thinking and feeling patterns in yourself has brought increased Light – the energy of light-heartedness and hope. As you have seen, this sincere effort to raise your own inner vibration has made a difference in your personal lives. The ripples move outward farther, faster and more dramatically now as the energies rise. Your Loving intentions merge and flow together with the heart and will of Mother and Father God, bringing uplifting energies to benefit Universes.


You, Beloved Humankind, are the Brothers and Sisters of my heart. We have walked together before, and we will again, in joy and celebration. This time, things are going to be easier. The times of suffering and darkness are coming to an end. Raise your eyes to the skies and join your hearts with ours in joy, hope and Love, as we move together toward the dream we have held so dear. We are here to bring the wisdom and compassion of our Mother and Father God. We are the messengers, the spokespersons who are creating the New Golden Age.


Together we will bring it into being. No one person or one organization could make our dream come true. We must join all our hearts, feel the depths of our yearning for peace and friendship across our world, and together we will create what we passionately envision. As Mother told us yesterday in these pages, Humankind has the power and the will to Create. Let us harness that great energy and will to bring forth what we know in our hearts is possible and true.


I am here with you in every moment, building the dream in concert with you and all the Company of Heaven. We prevail. We are the Light.


I love you all, my family. I am your Sananda.


Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 24, 2015


When God Desires Anything, That Intention Is Enough To Make It Happen

That is the way the universe has written itself. Your desires have great potential within them. It is one level of the Commandment of Creation; desire, passion, want, need – all of these are descriptions of Creation. God does nothing but desire an outcome and it is made manifest and so it is with you.

Watch your world more closely and you will see what we speak is not divided truth or diluted truth, but plain truth. For all that is expected, births the unexpected. Everything leads to evolution no matter where the path begins. It is by walking upon your own creations that you will understand your dormant abilities. All energies move forward in a continuum of invisible manifestation. No event is wrong or right that serves the higher Light. The need to categorize thoughts into right or wrong damages the birth of all desired outcomes.

As you walk into the wholeness and the holiness of the expression of who you know yourself to be, you will find that the lines that divide and sever your being begin to fade with time, with wisdom, with love. You will find that the expression of self that you know as the beginning and the ending of this life no longer are divided components. They become streamlined in the natural sense of the word flowing forward naturally. Issuing notice of cleansing of clearing. Issuing awareness of different octaves of knowledge, of wisdom, of strength, of being of young, of old, of was, of will be.

Open the gate to the Vastness that you have forgotten that you are. Open the gate to all that you keep yourself from separated in thoughts, in fears, in longings, and heart’s desires. For it is only your belief systems that can decay the body. It is only your belief systems that keeps you from moving forward in leaps and outward bounds. It is your canyon that seems endless in a sky that seems cloistered. Open the gate and set free all that has once served you so that it can learn to fly, learn to swim, learn to tunnel deep in the earth. Open the gate to everything that your parents, your teachers, and your lovers told you that you could not be, you could not accomplish, you could not experience.

Experience the flowing of the trueness of your beginning without end, of your end without beginning. Let go of all self imposed limitations and programs. Let go of all excuses that you have worn as medals, and all the procrastination’s that you have used to lift you to places you fell from. Un-pot the potential that you have kept sequestered away, allowing the roots to bind themselves in containers of thoughts that limit you, containers of fears that only grow weeds, and containers of truths that were seeded to you by others.

Open to see all that is happening in a single moment in any place in this universe. For you have that ability but you must announce if to yourself in remembrance. ‘I can see through space and time, through sky and cloud, through dirt’. ‘I can walk upon water, through trees, through stars. I am one with all and thus I can experience birth on a star millions of light years away.’ ‘I can experience being crystalline in nature and at the same moment be in an ocean and on a moon.’ ‘I can be fire and ice simultaneously. I can be passion. I can be love. I can feel the sensuousness within all beings, in all places if I choose. I can ask that every droplet of laughter be poured for me as a drink to sup upon.’

What you seek is inherent within everything. You can beckon to you all things that hold the richness that you seek. The letting go of perimeters, of expectations, of boundaries, of containers, of thought forms frees you up to be it all. Let go of the way you define yourself and allow your soul to re-define you in a way that serves the higher soul path. the soul is destined to expand, to re-create, and re-define your lineage of light.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – PO box 217 – Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 –

Secret Ancient Knowledge Hidden By Illuminati

Remembering Your Tone

Expressing the Memories from Home

Greetings Dear Ones.

Such a joy to share this moment with you all, for you are in the midst of an evolutionary movement. You are moving at the speed of love and the interesting part about it is that you are starting to become awakened right where you are. We will share a little of our vision of your place on the path as it is now, and more importantly about your anchoring into the new dimension of time and space.

A Conscious Change

There have been times, dear ones, when evolution has taken your stream of consciousness from one physical form to another.  Very rarely has that this happened in consciousness, which is what is taking place on planet Earth. That is why the collective vibration of the universe is starting to gather information and support more of the game on planet Earth, as it is now unfolding every moment. Take a deep breath, dear ones…and release it to find your center for just a moment. Close your eyes if you choose to, and let yourself expand. You have been holding yourself within a framework of resistance that you believed you had to hold. You have been spending much of your energy holding yourself within the constraints that you believed were needed to pretend to be a human. Yet, your spirit cries to be free, to speak its tone and to carry its message from Home. It is that unique tone which you brought specifically because you could carry it. From our perspective what is now taking place is that you are starting to branch out into multidimensionality and become aware of it consciously. When you do that, dear ones, the game changes very quickly.

Stretching Out In Multidimensionality

You have already stepped forward into the fifth dimension. Dear ones, we see you looking around to find out how all these pieces work. However, there is a new and critical piece that has not yet been added to the game. Because of the rise of the vibration of humanity, you have now entered a new possibility which was not there only a short time before. You have the ability to stretch out past your limitations in an energetic form so that you can collect your multidimensionality. You will also find your path of least resistance not only in your own existence, but in your entire life as a spirit in every dimension of time and space simultaneously. There are ways for you to harmonize the universe around you and one of these is a very simple process called speaking your tone. Yes, many of you have come in with a vibration, a specific tone that brings the reminder to your own physical body. Your physical body, dear ones, is vibrating and if it stops vibrating you are gone; then in reality, it does not exist. It is vibrating between a specific range that humans can perceive, touch, and work with to play the game of pretending to be a human. You have done quite well with this, walking around with a blindfold on, bumping into each other and hitting the wall looking for the door.

Express Your Tone

All of you are looking for the way Home again. You are yearning to re-member that tone and have it validated deep within you. Now you are at that location where you can spread your energy out and start to feel the other dimensions of time and space. Why would you do that? Most of you are hesitant to do anything like that because your sensitivity levels are so high. Your Vagus nerve is so highly strung sometimes that it makes it difficult for you to truly ground this light and energy, and bring it into your reality in that way. There is a actually a fear around that, which is fascinating because all energy is self-balancing. Have you ever taken two cups of water and connected them with a hose, so you make one taller than the other? Within just a matter of moments they settle. The reality is that all energetic forms know the innate path of least resistance. Now, how does that happen? Energy forms are all connected to each other, including yours. That is what we are sharing with you today—a way for you to speak and find your tone. What is your tone? Is it a a musical note that you must hit? Is it a certain vibratory frequency that must be repeated? Well, sometimes it is a tone. Other times you can re-create that by speaking toning, singing, or by creating a vibration not intended for the ears, but for the heart. That is your tone that you brought from Home. Now, how do you express it and channel your tone? ? Each of you brought in a unique piece that only you could carry the best and now you are assembling these pieces and re-uniting. It is a very magical process for us to watch. We cheer you on at every opportunity and you have already made a huge difference—more than you could ever see. The world is changed and you are responsible.

Practice Your Passion

How do you find that tone? Well, quite simply, you have a passion. Many of you have looked long and hard at your passion yet still say, “I still do not know what my passion is.” Well, that means that you are thinking too much; the passion is not in your head, it is in your heart. That is what you must strive to find—that feeling. Now what must a human do to re-create that feeling and be in touch with that at a moment’s notice? That takes practice, dear ones…just like anything. How do you get to heaven? Practice, practice, practice. Very simple. You are living on the planet of imperfection and you are perfecting yourself, reaching for Home. Now let us get back to this tone for a moment, because it is what you brought in. If you came just to make a sound on planet Earth then by all means, make it. If to do that you need to stand on the street corner and simply sing to your heart’s content, do that. Does that mean that is your passion? You will have to wait until you do it to find out. Then once you find it, you will say, “No, that is not my passion, but it is similar. It is singing.” Maybe you will create something; maybe you will do something; maybe you will start a band and begin recording. Maybe you use your voice in a melodic way to bring a message through multiple dimensions at once. There are all sorts of ways you can do this and there are also those that have been placed with a time-sensitive moment, connection, or critical mass point. In the world around you, when all those events and spirit align, you have the opportunity to create all those things that you wish for. It is then, dear ones, that you have what we call a magical moment.  You can spread out in all the dimensions of time and space, then claim all of your power for just that instant to create something in the road ahead of you. That is the conscious creator walking with the light of Home over your shoulder all the time and using it.

Express Your Memory of Home

Time to re-member that tone, dear ones. We try to take you back to those memories that you have intentionally forgotten so that you could pretend to play the game as a human. You are a spirit deep within; in reality we know you well and you know us. We are all a part of each other in ways that you will only re-member when you shed that physical body and return to the collective of energy, which is all of us. That is the magic that you are creating. You have a deep seeded memory of Home; it is contained in your tone. What is your tone and what will it take for you to bring that out and share it? There is great hesitation, dear ones. Because you are so sensitive, sometimes you are afraid that if you speak your tone it will block others. You are concerned that they will not be able to find their own individual tone if you are speaking yours, but that is what you came to do. In reality, when you start to connect with that part of you which represents the passion it spreads like wildfire. You should see it from our perspective, dear ones. We see that sometimes when you pass a person on the street and you may not even look into their eyes or exchange any pleasantries at all. However, when you pass them on the street you light them up with the feelings of Home, with that tone. Is it a noise or a sound? It can be. Does it need to be? It is ultimately a re-minder of the heart. Find your tone by practicing it, playing with it, and stretching it out. Like everything on planet Earth, it is like a muscle. The more that you practice and exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more control you have over your creations. It is a magical time on Earth, dear ones, and it is time for all to re-member their tone. We brought a very special piece. Welcome. We are so happy that you have made it this far. Now you are starting to awaken from the dream in consciousness. Find yourself walking on planet Earth and playing this beautiful game of pretending to be the human, but we see you. We know who you are and we welcome you with the greatest honor of the essence of life and the re-minders of Home that all of you carry deep within. Re-member that tone, dear ones. Whatever it takes, speak it often. Put energy behind it and share it. Move it and you will be doing the work of the spirit. That is what you all came to do.

Teach Your Heart to Think and Your Head to Feel

Now, most of you are going to intellectualize this and think too much about it. These are the times of the heart, when you are teaching the heart to think and the head to feel. These are the times where you are awakening from the dream and finding yourself in this beautiful physical body. Enjoy this journey, dear ones. You have set it up intentionally, so that you could be there to experience planet Earth exactly the way that you did and re-member your tone. Well done, dear ones.

It is with the greatest of honor that we greet you in these ways. Tickle your funny bone to help you re-member that it is just a game. And above all dear ones, play well together. Treat each other the best that you can. Help others re-member their tone, and yours will become even stronger.

The group